2023 ~ 40 Over 40

Client Profile


What would you tell your 14 year old self?

Relax. There is nothing to worry about. Also that beauty is really from within. Enjoy your time and that you don’t have to please anyone. Just be yourself.

What personality trait do you love about yourself?

I love that I’m funny! I love that people get to see that once they get to know me. I love to laugh. That I’m adventurous and that I love to see other people happy. Those are the best traits that I believe I have.

Share an experience or a piece of advice that would lift up other women and empower them.

As women, I think we are often in the role of nurturing other people. And we've seen that from generation to generation. And sometimes we overlook our own needs and put ourselves on the back burner.  We have to take care of ourselves to be able to love other people more. If you feel like you need a break, ask for help. That's what I never did during being a full-time mother. Not asking for help impacted the relationship between my husband and I. So please, take care of yourself. Do not ignore your own self-care.

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