2023 ~ 40 Over 40

Client Profile


What would you tell your 14 year old self?

"I am proud of you for being so independent."

What personality trait do you love about yourself?

For me, it's that I advocate for others. Both at my organization (at the Bank of Hawaii), with all the various folks that I work with, with all of the non-profits that I've been involved with over the years, I think it's important to be the voice for those who aren't listened to. 

 Share an experience or a piece of advice that would lift other women up and empower them.

What's really important is to be authentic and be yourself. It's the best thing that you can be. And the other is just to enjoy every moment. The small ones, the big ones, even sometimes the ones that are uncomfortable or painful. And that's because you can learn from them. And then you're ready to share that with others when they may go through the same experience.

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