2023 ~ 40 Over 40

Client Profile


Age: 54

Occupation: Business Office Manager


What brings you joy?

I love being with my family and friends and just smiling and having lots of laughs.   I love laughing.


Share a piece of advice or an experience that would lift other women up and empower them.

I think it's great to always have a group of women friends who you know are going to lift you up and encourage you as well as have the wise ones who will also steer you back if you're going off too far.


Is there anything you'd like to add that you feel the young generation needs to know?

I think they need to find older people who they can glean wisdom from because we're not invisible and we've experienced a lot of things and we can offer so much advice and wisdom to them.

Would you like to be part of the 40 over 40 experience?