2023 ~ 40 Over 40

Client Profile


 What would you tell your 14 -year -old self? 

I would tell her, don't worry. Everything will turn out fine. Sometimes we can't see the destination where we're trying to head to, but the universe always guides us to the very next few steps we need to take. It's a walk of faith. All you need to do is see a few steps ahead of you and keep on walking. You have to learn to trust your inner guidance.

You just need to quiet your mind and look inside. Oftentimes it's so easy to get swept up in what other people tell you, what to do, how to think, things like that. You need to have your own position in life, and that's what you need to focus on. Just listen to the inner guidance that's within you,that quiet little voice, that sometimes you maybe think, “oh no, what's that thought? Let me brush it away.” but that's really you. That's the universe trying to connect with you. So that would be my advice to myself at 14.

What was your greatest challenge and how did you overcome it? 

my greatest challenge would be actually losing my job twice within 10 months. At that point, I was already going through transformation in my life. I knew that this was a walk of faith.  It comes back to not being able to see the destination that we're heading towards but we can see a few steps ahead of us. Because I lost my job twice, it actually became a necessary step for me to be where I'm currently at. I have a wonderful job that affords me wonderful opportunities. I work from home, I don't have to go into an office anymore, and it gives me flexibility. When I look back, I see how I can connect the dots and that's what the universe had in mind for me. I just had to trust the universe and here I am really enjoying where I am.

share tips on how you celebrate yourself:

I have a wonderful tribe who love to celebrate each other. We love to celebrate everyone's birthdays - we pick themes, get dressed up and we love to do our little mini photo shoots to capture the joy that we're experiencing, and I think that's so important. I believe in celebrating the women around you and every day is an opportunity to do that. It is a reason to celebrate yourself every day. The fact that we are here we have another opportunity, another day to spread joy, to breathe, and to speak life into others, that's a blessing.

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